Thursday, December 8, 2011

20 is the magic number

yes it's true folks. i am at my limit (maybe hehe) of twenty Christmas trees. i  have 5 small trees and 15 full size ranging from 7-9 feet tall. check out the link on an earlier post to see pictures of all of them. and don't forget to check back, because i hope to posting more pictures of the outside decorations, including the big tree on the front porch!


  1. Found you from Hooked on Houses. You have a beautiful home. Merry Christmas!

  2. 20 trees?! WOW!

    That photo of your house in the sidebar has me swooning. Gorgeous! :)

  3. Found you on Hooked on Houses! Your home is beautiful! What part of Tennessee are you in? (I'm a Memphis girl.)

  4. Such a beautiful home! I'm a lucky gal to know Amy and to have visited her lovely home. Christmas is really special!

  5. Thank you everyone and Merry Christmas! and Happy Chanukah Judy! I am in Bristol. I married a Memphis boy.:)

  6. You are a woman after my own heart!! I have 17 this year in various shapes and sizes!! Please stop by to visit at:

    Love the pictures that you posted of your home! Stunning! Definitely my style. If you have any questions about blogging, I would love to help you because I want to see more!!

